FAQ Page

At PDR IT Solutions we take pride in the service we offer to our clients and perspective clients.

Got an IT issue or query? You are in the right place! Read on to see whether you can find the answer to the common questions that we get asked.

12 of the most common IT questions answered!

Why is my computer running slow?

There could be various reasons why your computer is running slow. At PDR IT Solutions, we can help diagnose and address the performance issues affecting your computer. Our experts will conduct thorough diagnostics to identify potential causes such as insufficient memory, software conflicts, malware infections, or outdated hardware. Based on our analysis, we will provide recommendations and implement optimisations to improve your computer's speed and overall performance. We focus on both hardware and software aspects to ensure a comprehensive solution tailored to your specific computer environment.

Why am I getting an error message?

We understand the frustration caused by error messages. Error messages can indicate various issues with software, applications, or system configurations. When encountering an error message, it is essential to note down the exact error message and any accompanying error codes. Our experienced technicians have extensive knowledge and can provide targeted solutions based on the error message you're encountering. We will work closely with you to identify the underlying cause and help resolve the issue efficiently.

How can we improve our network security?

At PDR IT Solutions, we offer comprehensive network security services, including; vulnerability assessments, firewall configuration and intrusion detection systems. Our experts can assess your network, identify vulnerabilities, and implement robust security measures to safeguard your data and systems.

Can you troubleshoot this issue with our software?

Yes, we provide troubleshooting services for software-related issues. Our experienced technicians can diagnose and resolve software problems, including crashes, errors, and performance issues.

How do you protect our data from cyber threats?

PDR IT Solutions offers a range of data protection services, including encryption, access control, data backup, and secure storage solutions. We can assess your data security needs, implement appropriate measures, and develop a comprehensive data protection strategy to mitigate the risk of data breaches and ensure compliance with regulations.

Can you help us migrate our data to a new system?

Yes, we can help you migrate your data to a new system. Our data migration services include data assessment, planning, extraction, transformation, and loading into the new system. We ensure data integrity, minimise downtime, and provide thorough testing to ensure a seamless transition while preserving the integrity of your valuable data.

What software do we need to purchase for our team?

The software needs of your team depend on your specific requirements. At PDR IT Solutions, we can assess your business needs, recommend suitable software solutions, and guide licensing options. We partner with software vendors and can assist you in purchasing and implementing the software that best suits your team's needs.

Can you recover our lost data?

Data recovery is one of our specialities. In the event of data loss, our experienced technicians utilise advanced data recovery techniques and tools to retrieve lost data from various storage devices. We assess the situation, determine the best course of action, and strive to recover your lost data as efficiently as possible.

How do we prevent data breaches and ensure compliance with regulations?

At PDR IT Solutions, we can assist you in implementing security measures such as access controls, encryption, regular vulnerability assessments, and security awareness training. We work with you to develop and maintain compliance strategies aligned with relevant regulations to protect your business and customer data.

Can you implement an automated backup system?

Yes, we can implement an automated backup system to ensure the continuous protection of your critical data. PDR IT Solutions offers robust backup solutions that automate the backup process, perform regular backups, and provide secure storage options. This eliminates the risk of human error and ensures your data is consistently protected.

How can we improve our disaster recovery plan?

Improving your disaster recovery plan involves assessing potential risks, identifying critical systems and data, and implementing strategies for swift recovery. PDR IT Solutions work with you to develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan tailored to your business. We ensure regular backups, implement redundancy measures and define recovery processes to minimise downtime and protect your business in the event of a disaster.

How do we ensure our systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches?


At PDR IT Solutions, we can help you establish patch management processes to ensure timely updates across your systems. We implement centralised patch management systems, schedule regular patch deployments, and provide ongoing monitoring to keep your systems protected and up-to-date.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

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